Tuesday 18 August 2015

Change of day for Red Nose day

Hi parents, the red nose day and dress up (as craziest kid) that was planned for this Thursday has now changed to Monday 24th August

Monday 17 August 2015

Some more snaps from ice skating today


Black gloves were left in our class today. No students thought they belonged to them. Let me know if you're missing a pair.

Reminder: Library tomorrow

Please remember to bring library books tomorrow. We will have our first session in the new library. Woohoo!

Friday 14 August 2015

Ice skating

Our 5th session of ice skating is on Monday. Students need to have waterproof pants and jacket, spare socks, gloves and ski helmet. If you don't have a ski helmet, you can borrow one from the ice skating rink. If you are available to help please be at the ice skating rink at 12:15 pm. Thanks for all the help so far.

Junior Assembly today

Junior Assembly is on today at 2:15pm. We are not a class that is sharing today but please feel free to come and watch if you wish. See you there!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

SCHOLASTIC book orders

SCHOLASTIC book orders due this Friday 14th. You can order by bringing order form and payment in to school.


No library time this week as the library is being moved to its new building