Thursday 29 October 2015

Todays sound is 'Tt'

Today's sound is 'Tt'
Can you help us find words that start with the T sound home?



We have 6 different learning spaces in our classroom.  We are learning to work independently in these spaces. 
When you drop us at school in the morning make sure you ask us where these spaces are and what you can do at them.

The spaces are called...
1. The literacy space
2. The numeracy space
3. The construction space
4. The writing and spelling space
5. The I.T space
6. The art space

Black Out Day

Tomorrow Friday 30th October is Black out day at school.
To show our support for the All Blacks we would love it if everyone could come dressed in black! 



Cross Country

Yesterday the C Room took part in their first Cross Country.  They all gave it a go and did their absolute best.  We are very proud of our favourite class in the school.
Mrs Sefo and Miss Caldwell


Tuesday 20 October 2015

Swimming fun this week!

We are enjoying swimming at the Event Centre this week. We are working in groups and completing swimming lessons and water safety. At water safety we are learning how to swim with life jackets on and entering the water safely.

Junior Assembly

This Friday The C Room children are sharing at Junior Assembly.  It will be held at 2:15pm in the hall.  Please give us time to watch the following clip at home as we are very busy with swimming at school.  We need to practice our dance moves :)

Monday 19 October 2015

Our Learning Spaces

We have been learning about our fantastic new learning environment.  In this environment we have amazing new learning spaces these are called the literacy, numeracy, writing, art, construction and ict.
So far we have had some time in these spaces to explore what is in them.  Eventually we will use these spaces when our teaches are taking groups for conferences.


Friday 16 October 2015

Spring Floral Art

Look at us and our amazing floral art! C Room students did such a great job of their arrangements. We hope you get a chance to get down to the Arrowtown Hall to view.

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Big Shake Out!

The C Room took part in the 'Big Shake Out' today.  We were very calm and collected when the alarm sounded.  We knew exactly what to do.

Spring Flower Show

Today we finished our Spring Artwork it looks so amazing! We also worked with some lovely parents today to create some beautiful floral art.  Make sure you pop down to the Arrowtown Hall to see it before 5pm tomorrow.  We know you will be blown away by ours and the Junior Syndicate's hard work!


Wednesday 14 October 2015

Todays sound is Yy!

The sound we worked on today is the Y sound.
It would be great if you ask us about this sound at home.  Maybe even find some words that have this sound in it!

Cross Country

We are going to begin cross country practice this week.  We will need some sensible shoes with us at school so we can put in our best running effort each and every day.


Tuesday 13 October 2015

Spring Flower Show

On Thursday afternoon we are making some beautiful floral art for the Arrowtown Spring Flower Show. Everyone should be starting to collect beautiful flowers, berries, interesting twigs/sticks, leaves, and anything you think may add to our floral art.

If Mums and Dad are coming to help please be at the C Room at 1.30pm.


School Swimming

The C Room is swimming next week from 10:30-11:30am.  Please make sure you have bought the permission slip back to school.


Question of the Day

Every morning when we call the roll we say "good morning Mrs Sefo"
As well as saying good morning we are learning to answer the question of the day.
The question of the day is always up on the whiteboard.  When you drop us off at school in the morning it would be so helpful if you could talk to us about the question so we have our answer ready to go.

Today's question was 'what is your favourite colour?'

Monday 12 October 2015

When we grow up...

Today we were asked what we would like to be when we grow up.  Today we started our learning journey so lets see if we end up in our chosen careers.
Miss Caldwell spelt Ambulance Driver wrong.  She said she was distracted.  We will let her away with it just this once.