Monday 30 November 2015

Today's sound is 'Qu'

Today's sound is 'Qu'
Help us to find words around home that start with or have this sound in them...


Friday 27 November 2015

Shared Book - Baboon's Nest

This weeks shared book was Baboon's Nest.
Today we made a chart to retell the story.
We are going to bring home that chart today.  Have a chat to us about the story.  We will do our best to explain to you the order that the events happened in.  This is called retelling.


Thursday 26 November 2015

Today's sound is 'sh'

Today's sound was 'sh'
Please help us find words that start with this sound around home...

Our Christmas Boxes

Thank you to all our wonderful parents that have helped with the amazing boxes that have been arriving at school.  They look so cool!
It would be great if they could all be here by next week so we can start our dress rehearsals.
Thanks again!


Wednesday 25 November 2015

Today's sound is 'Ss'

Today's sound was 'Ss'
Can you help us find words that start with that sound in them...


This weeks poem is... Frog


A frog came hopping
in the door.
Hop, hop, hop!

It hopped across
the kitchen floor.
Hop, hop, hop! 

It hopped onto
my mother's knee
Hop, hop, hop! 

it hopped into
her cup of tea. 

Hop, hop, plop!



Yesterday Mrs Bentley showed us how to make little pots out of newspaper.  We had some Year 6 children help us make them.  Once we had made two each we planted a sunflower seed and a pea seed.  We are going to water them and watch them grow.  Hopefully we will all bring two wee seedlings home at the end of term.
Thanks Mrs Bentley for a fun afternoon! 


Tuesday 24 November 2015

Xmas Concert

We sent an email home about the C Room kids needing a box wrapped in Xmas wrapping with holes cut out for their head and arms.
Patrick already has his sorted so here is a very fine example of what we are looking for

Monday 23 November 2015

Durham Street Pre School

On Friday we went down to the Durham Street Pre School for a visit. We had such a great time catching up with old friends and checking out how they do things at their centre.  We loved having a go in all of the different learing spaces they have!
Thanks for having us Durham Street!

Today's sound is 'th'

Today's sound was 'th'
We found this very tricky as some of us could only hear 'f' not 'th'
Please help us at home to hear the difference between the sounds...


Thursday 19 November 2015

Our sound 'ng'

Today's sound was 'ng'
We found this sound pretty hard so can you give us a hand to find some words with this sound at home...

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Our star chart

We have some little champions in the C Room. Some of our stars have been working so hard that they have managed to fill their star chart.
To get a sticker on our chart we have to be noticed being amazing throughout the day. You can be seen being amazing by showing good manners, being helpful and kind, trying your best and loads more!
Congratulations to the following people for finishing their chart...
Tyge, Samuel, Olivia, Sage and Seth!
Well done super stars!!

Durham Street Visit

The Durham Street kids came up for a visit last week. It was so nice to have them come and see us. We loved catching up with Jenny and Courtney again and seeing some of our old friends. Come back soon!!

Monday 16 November 2015

Middle Names

Today we were asked what our middle names were for Question of the day and only two of us knew!
Tomorrow we are going to have the same question.  Around the dinner table have a chat to us about our middle name and where it came from.  Is it a family name?, or is it a name that you just liked the sound of?


Tomorrow is C Room's library Day!
Please make sure that all library books come back to school so we can all take home new ones.
We also get tested on our word cards at the library too, so help us to learn our words at home.


Today's Sound is... Mm

Today our sound was 'Mm'
Help us to find words around the home that begin with or have that sound in them.


Thursday 12 November 2015


Fingers crossed the weather is good and the hellicopter can land tomorrow

Today's sound is 'Gg'

Today's sound is 'Gg'.
Can you help us to find objects around the house that start with G?



Every night we bring home a reading book to share with you.  It is a book we have already read to our teachers so we are quite familiar with it.

* We can read it with you, to you, or we can even take turns...
* We can read aloud or silently
* We can talk about the story and what happened it it with you
* We can read to other people in our house 

After we have read please record the story in our reading logs so our teachers can see how things are going at home.

The more you read the more you know, the more you know the more you grow!


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Today's sound is 'Gg'

Today's sound is 'Gg'
Can you help us to find words around the house that start with or have that sound in them?


Monday 9 November 2015

Word Cards

Are you learning the words on your word card?
These are checked every Tuesday. 
Are you ready for the next card?

Baking Competition


1. Years 0-8
2. Profits donated to the SPCA
3. Baking must be entered on a plate and taken to the hall in the morning
4. 12th November 2015
5. Prizes awarded for the best tasting biscuits, cakes, slices and cupcakes

If you would like to buy any of the above these will be for sale at lunchtime.
Small items $1 large $2

PLEASE NOTE: This is in no way a compulsary school event.  Some of the year 5 children have organised the event with proceeds going to the SPCA.

Todays Sound is 'Bb'

Today's sound was 'Bb'
Please talk to us about this sound at home.

Flight Park

As part of our flight topic we went and visited Flight Park on Friday.  We had a picnic there and then we watched the Para gliders and Hang gliders land.
We had a really great time!

When we got back to school we talked about how those pieces of equipment help people fly.  We talked about gliding and flying and if we thought there was a difference.


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Shotover Jet

Tomorrow the C Room is going to take a spin on the Shotover Jet for their 50th anniversary.
Please make sure your child has...
*Warm clothing
*Covered in shoes
*A warm tight beanie



School Photo

Have you ordered our class photo yet?
Check out this bunch of rockstars!!


Monday 2 November 2015

Cross Country

Here are some belated photos of the Cross Country that Seth's Mum Sadie took of the boys in the C Room.  We look excited and nervous all in one.  What a great day that was!