Wednesday 16 December 2015

Last Day of School

Tomorrow Thursday the 17th of December is the last day of school.
The junior school are going to have a teddy bears picnic together.  We are all going to bring a packed lunch and a favourite teddy bear/toy to take along to the picnic.

School finishes at 12.30pm.


Nearly finished for the year!

The C Room have had such a busy time at school that we have decided that the last week is just for Xmas fun and games! Today we made Xmas decorations, masks and cards and we played some games too.
We are enjoying our last few days together as the 'C Room'

Monday 14 December 2015

Sprinkler Fun

Today Mr Brundell turned on the sprinklers today and we had a grand out time running through them!
Even though it wasn't super warm most of us stayed out right up until the sprinklers were turned off. Great fun!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Check us out!!!

Look at us all ready to go for the Christmas Assembly!
Cute as buttons!

Monday - Sprinkler fun!

On Monday the Junior School are all going to bring their swimming togs.  We are going to have some time in the sun running through the sprinklers.
We need our togs and a towel.
Sunscreen in provided at school.


Tomorrow is the Junior School Athletics Day.
We are excited to get outside and stretch our legs.
We hope you can come along and watch for part or all of the day, maybe even stay for lunch with us?

Start time 9:15am on the field, running races are first!

Christmas Concert Time!

Today is the day they get up on stage and perform our Christmas item.
The show starts at 1.45pm so be there early to get a good seat.
We are on first!
Some photos will be added later for those of you that can't make it.


Today's sound is the 'ar' sound...

Today we looked at the 'ar' sound.
Help us to hear this sound and look at words with that sound in it around home.


Tuesday 8 December 2015

Numbers to 10

We all need extra help with our numbers to ten.
Matching the numeral form with the word with a visual of the number
5 - five - *****
8 - eight - ***** ***
10 - ten - ***** *****

It would be wonderful if you could help us with this learning at home.

 Reading these forwards, backwards and out of order would be most helpful too :)

Today's sound is the 'er' sound

Today we looked at the 'er' sound.
There are so many different ways of writing that sound.  Can you help us find, hear and write some words with that sound at home?

Monday 7 December 2015

Coming Up...

This week is so busy!
We have Christmas Assembly on Thursday at 1.30pm in the hall and Athletics Day on Friday 9.15-12.30pm on the field.

Today's sound is the 'OU' sound

Today's sound was the 'ou' sound.
It can look like this 'ou' and this 'ow'
Help us to hear and come up with words with this sound.

Christmas Hats

It's nearly Christmas Concert time.  Thank you Mum's and Dad's for helping us get our boxes ready, we look so awesome!
We are allowed to wear something on our heads as well.  This is completely optional.
Here are some ideas as to what we could wear on our heads...

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Todays sound

Today's sound was the 'x' sound and we found it soooooo tricky!
Please help us at home to discover words that have this sound in it.

Question of the day

Tomorrows question of the day is what is your elf name?
Could you please help us find our Elf name and write it down so we can have it ready to go for tomorrow.
Thank you!


Christmas Tree

WE HAVE ONE YAY!!  Come in and check it out we will be decorating it over the next couple of weeks!


Tuesday 1 December 2015

What's your Elf name?

Our very own little Elf Ed bought in this funny chart.
Can you see what your elf name would be?
Mrs Sefo would be Squeezy Pointy Ears
and Miss Caldwell's is Buddy Snow-Bum.
Thanks Ed!

Star chart

Some rad as kids just completed their star charts. We think you are amazing!!
Walter, Louie, Georgia, Tayla and Tilly - TOTAL ROCKSTARS!!

Christmas Tree Search...

Hi everyone!

Today is the first of December and the C Room is on the hunt for a Christmas tree.  If you have a spare one at home it would be wonderful if the C Room could borrow it until the end of term as we would love to have one in our class.

This weeks poem...